We all experienced to falling in love. And I know its quite hard to deal with emotions right? And sometimes being SINGLE makes you feel bored and alone. So here are some of the ways on how to make someone like you. These are based from my experiences and also based from other people's experiences. Dig in!
1. Ask his Facebook/Myspace/Friendster/Beebo/other social networking sites. Why? Because through that you will know his basic information and see some pictures whcih can give you an idea of his/her eccentricity. Simple yet useful way.
2. Know the Power of your EYES. Remember the saying? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Our eyes are very powerful. It will allow the other person to see your emotion, your feelings and sometimes your desire. So get those eyeballs ready.
3. Don't Do Nice Things for Them. Let Them Do Nice Things for You- from iVillage.com
If you do something nice for someone, it makes you feel good on two levels. You feel pleased with yourself and extra-warm toward the person you've just spoiled. To justify the effort or expense, we often over-idealize how wonderful he is to deserve it! End result: we like the person more. When someone does something nice for us, we're pleased. But there are a whole lot of other emotions that come into play -- and they're not all good. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There's pressure to live up to being the wonderful person who inspired such a gift/act, not to mention pressure to return the favor. It's all even trickier if the "nice thing" comes from someone you very much like but aren't sure about yet. Got the point? When we're infatuated with someone, we're desperate to do nice things for him. You're much better off letting him spoil you.
4. Keep it real: be natural. Keep them laughing, smiling, and happy.
5. Go the extra mile. Stand out from the crowd.
Here are some tips from Wikihow.com
▬Be understanding. Listen to what he/she has to say don't go over him/her.
▬Compliment him/her.
▬Don't flirt with his close friends. This will just end up with fights between mates.
▬Above all, if the person doesn't love you for your personality, then he/she is NOT really in love with you. Never keep hanging on to him when he/she isn't interested.
▬Don't say you love him/her if you don't really mean it, they might become obsessive.
▬Don't EVER cheat.
▬Don't make him/her feel worthless by ranting on and on about your exes. If you say what you dislike in your exes, he/she might be put off, as most people have the same faults, like leaving the toilet seat up or biting their nails.
▬And most of all, be yourself. If a person can not fall in love you for you just being you.. then that person is not really for you.
This is very helpful. Made me think of using this tips. Thanks. :)
I'm in love! IN LOVE! I love the advice. I will apply it. Thanks!
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